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Google My Business

The Google My Business is a free listing service that places your asapuwa at the top of search results. Here is an example of Saskatoon’s listing. You can notice that because the search was done on a computer that is actually in Saskatoon, google gives results specifically for that area.

IMG_20160517_104631_996The exact listing changes based in the search terms. You can see a couple of alternatives here…

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Once you have claimed your business, you will get monthly reports telling you how many people saw your listing:


Sign up, Register and claim your listing

VERRY IMPORTANT: You must be logged into google with the account you want to use to manage your listing. This should probably be the main e-mail that the monks use. When you verify the listing, you must be logged in to this account again.


Go here: and click on the “Start Now” Button.

When the map appears, enter your asapuwa name in the search box. Try different versions. In the example below, the listing is on google already.










It can take up to two weeks to get the card.

This is what the card will look like:


Open it up and you will see a verification code:










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