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NOTE: images below are just a sample. Actual file may contain many more.
Class Specific Things
School Rules
This is a PDF you can show on screen as kids are joining the zoom class
- Powerpoint (you may need to install fonts)

Basic Chanting
Satta Buddha Vandana
- PDF: Pali-English | SinhalaAkuru-Pali-English
- Powerpoint: Pali-English | SinhalaAkuru-Pali-English

Vandmi Cetiyam Sabbam
- PDF: Pali-English | SinhalaAkuru-Pali-English
- Powerpoint: Pali-English | SinhalaAkuru-Pali-English

Loving Kindness Meditation
There are two version of the PDF. One with “provence” and one with “state” (for use in the US and Aus)

Teaching Topics
Chart of the SuttaPitaka
- Single slide PDF
- One slide for each book PDF
- Powerpoint

Monks Robes
(Note: Images in these slides may be copyrighted. Please only use in Dhamma School.)