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Images for Facebook and Instagram


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Original Gimp projects

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To have a successful social media page like Facebook  or Instagram you need to have content. Below are directories with suitable images. Each image file has a text file with the text of the Dhamma quotation. For example:


“That is not a strong fetter, the wise say, which is made of iron, wood or hemp. But the infatuation and longing for #jewels and #ornaments, #children and wives — that, they say, is a far stronger fetter, which pulls one downward and, though seemingly loose, is hard to remove. This, too, the wise cut off. Giving up sensual pleasure, and without any longing, they #renounce the world.”
the Buddha, #Dhammapada 345-346
translated from the #Pali by Acharya #Buddharakkhita

#realbuddhaquotes #sutta #Buddha #Dhamma #monk #theravada #theravadabuddhism #Dharma #suttapitaka #wordoftheBuddha
#mahamevnawa #mahamevnawabuddhistmonastery #buddhameditationcenter #meditation



“He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me.” Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their #hatred.

the Buddha, Dhammapada verse 3

#realbuddhaquotes #sutta #Buddha #Dhamma #monk #theravada #theravadabuddhism #Dharma #suttapitaka #wordoftheBuddha
#mahamevnawa #mahamevnawabuddhistmonastery #buddhameditationcenter #meditation



Here is an example of what a facebook and instagram post could look like:



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